Friday, January 25, 2008

Esteem Yourself!

Do you find yourself sometimes explaining and defending yourself for the benefit of others? Putting yourself in situations that bring you down, while others get empowered by your need to respond to the ignorance of questioning. Do you say " No more explaining myself" only to be confronted with a bombardment of question that you now feel destined to answer? Don't let the insecurities of others make you feel obligated to defend yourself. Sometimes we become vulnerable to our loved ones, thinking that we have to pacify their need by constantly assuring them of their self worth…..I know of a comedian who said "self esteem is exactly that….Esteem for YOURSELF" …. Let us remember that yes, it is our job to help our fellow loved ones see their inner beauty- but not in the wake of destroying our own…….. I love how you need no explanation to make you you….. I love how you know who you are……


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