Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So many times we look at what others have and want it for ourselves. We watch shows like Cribs and think, “Why can’t I have a house like that?” We see people around us driving expensive cars, shopping all the time, spending money like its nothing. Some of us look at those people and are happy for them; we smile at their success, and are congratulatory. However, there are definitely some ‘Green Eyed Monsters’ out there. You can take a look around and see the envy on people’s faces. They are truly jealous of what others possess. So I ask, “Why are such a jealous people?” We crave what others have. Instead of being satisfied with the blessings that God has given us, we are angry at what he’s given other people. We let this jealousy ruin our friendships and our families. The Word of God says in James, “For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.”

We have to stop looking at what others have with jealousy and envy, and instead be happy for the blessings that have been bestowed upon them. If there is something that you want, go out and work to get it. Don’t let envy take control of the way that you live your life. Don’t be so set on keeping up with those around that you stretch your finances thin. Seek God in these matters and know that He will always provide for you.

So here’s my opinion, cause everyone’s entitled to it….
Just because they have it, doesn’t mean you’re meant to.


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