Thursday, March 13, 2008

Where’s the Beef?

Although I am most definitely a meat eater, I completely support and understand the Vegan lifestyle. It’s not that I can’t live without steak (chicken is another story); I just prefer to have one every now and again. To most people, even considering the Vegan or Vegetarian lifestyle is crazy. They feel as if there is too much to give up, too much they would be missing out on.
So this got me thinking…..
Why are we so afraid to challenge ourselves? Why are we afraid to let go?
We do this sort of thing with every aspect of our lives. We wanna hold onto what we know and what’s comfortable because we’re afraid of what we may miss out on…afraid of the unknown. This is something that plagues us in our careers, families and love lives. We hold our tongues, because we are afraid of the outcome. We stay in the same position at work because we think that the next job may be too hard. We harbor emotions and feelings toward family, instead of expressing ourselves to them. We don’t start that business we’ve been dreaming about, because we are crippled by the very thought of failure. We lose the person we love because we are too afraid to tell them. We’ve been doing this for far too long people.

So here’s my opinion, cause everyone’s entitled to it….
Embrace your fear and use it to get you where you want to be. Ask for the raise, start your business, tell your father how you feel, tell that woman that you love her!
Don’t continue to be held back, because the only one stopping you is you!


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