Friday, January 11, 2008


I am probably the most dramatic person I can think of. I can throw the best pity party for myself next to Erica Cane. Doesn’t matter the situation, I can always find a way to turn stubbing my big toe into "the world is coming to an end" type situation.

Have you ever been in the middle of your own pity party and thought that maybe, just maybe, you were over reacting? If so, then try this.

In the middle of your self proclaimed "Woe is Me" speech, find a mirror to look in. Once you get in front of that mirror, I want you to watch yourself as you are in the middle of your dramatic climax… See how long it takes you to straighten up. See how long it takes you to wipe your own tears. See how long it takes you to realize that you are being foolish. Its hard to watch yourself in the ridiculous state of feeling sorry for yourself. You stop feeling sorry for yourself and you begin to show yourself tough love, jut as you would anyone else. Take some time in your bad day to look in the mirror. Look at how dramatic you become about things you have no control over, or things that you maybe have asked God for, and now you're starting to second guess it. Watch how easy it is to look at yourself and realize how foolish your are being. Its not until you see you like others do, that you realize that you have let yourself over power yourself. Get back up on your two feet. Look yourself in that same mirror and say "I look foolish. God has blessed me with so many things to be grateful for and I am standing here crying over spilled milk". Not until you realize for yourself how trivial your problems are, do you then begin to appreciate the good God has done for you.

Can you stand to look at yourself in the mirror???


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