Monday, January 7, 2008

How do I get in those jeans?

Happy New Year, everyone! I’m sure by now everyone has made their New Year’s resolutions and I bet the top one on everyone’s list is to lose weight, right? Well, how about being able to look hot in a sexy new pair of jeans that hug your body? Ok, we’re not talking about going to the Levi’s store and having the salesperson measure you to the quarter inch and being handed the bill that is equal to your Christmas bonus check. And let’s face it, I don’t think any of us really want our waist being measured by a strange person and have the fear that our name and waist size will appear on a website. Hey, you never know what you might find when you Google yourself 5 years from now. Didn’t you hear about those Miss America pageant contestants over the summer? Anyways, there is a great website out there called that takes your answers from a short questionnaire and in a matter of a few seconds, returns a list of makes and styles that suit you best. It’s a great way to know what to try on when a myriad of jeans surround you when entering a department store. Remember the last time when you went and were carrying 10 pairs of jeans into the dressing room? also has a perfect fit finder for pants, bras and a new section for men. Now you can buy the perfect pair for your man, without him making you return it. So since we can’t all stick to our resolution of losing weight, at least we can look great while other women are starving themselves to fit into a size 0.


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