Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Taking Back Control

How many times have you been so determined to succeed in a task- only to find you're failing before you set all the goals? Have you made the decision to do a spiritual fast for a specific amount of time, giving up something you knew was going to be easy, only to find out you now what that one thing more than life its self???

Or have you said to yourself "Self I will NOT be taken advantage of anymore"- of course only after you do this, does that one person call who knows they can get you to do anything- even when you don't want to- and of course you do it…. When does our perseverance kick in? When do you stand by what means so much to you and not let others- or even ourselves-sway our agendafor our life? Perseverance can only be achieved when we continue to fight through the turmoil, through the doubts, through the inconsistencies.

Only then can we really know what it means to persevere….. Let's all choose to make this a year of perseverance….A year of pushing through difficulties in spite of. Let's take back our control.


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