Monday, February 11, 2008

Where’s my purse?

I learned a lot this weekend. But the thing that has stuck with me the most is a conversation that I had with this dude. Let me set the stage for you…..A bunch of friends and I were getting together to celebrate a birthday this Saturday. The festivities were to begin with dinner and end with some good ol’ fun at Dave & Buster’s. I invited this kat to come and join in the festivities with us. For some ungodly reason, this translates in his mind to, “Free dinner, free drinks, free Skee Ball!” EXCUSE ME!!!!! Now I am a very generous, very giving person; however I’m not Mommy Warbucks! When did it become necessary for ladies to ask, “Where’s my purse?” Now I’m not that chick who thinks that men should pay all the time. I’m quick to pull out some cash and take care of things, but when did people just start assuming that a night out was all inclusive?

Needless to say, he didn’t make it to the celebration! I just can’t help but wonder when this switch happened. A lot of men that I know are offended when a woman tries to pay the bill. They think that you’ve lost your mind. So is there a new generation of man being born? Was this guy just brought up differently, or is he just cheap? I’m still confused.
The thing that really stuck with me wasn’t that it was just expected, but he told me that it was wrong of me not to be footing the bill. Was I in the wrong? Since I extended the invitation, am I obligated to pay? Please let me know.

So here’s my opinion, cause everyone’s entitled to it….
Don’t expect it! Be prepared for anything. Be grateful of other people’s generosity, not expectant of it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think you are in the wrong. As a matter of fact, can you take me out? LOL. I definitely do not get offended when a woman offers to pay for dinner or movie or whatever. I like it when a woman does that. I'm a man who usually takes care of everything, but every now and then that lil offer is very appreciated. Now as far as being invited out by the lady somewhere, I don't expect the lady to pay for everything. I go into the date/activity with the mindset that as a gentleman i will take care of it or we will go dutch. Now if the lady offers then, more power to her. But i would not let her take care of the whole night unless she just insist on paying for everything.

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