Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Sometimes in life, we find it hard to stick up for ourselves. I know some of you may be thinking “Oh no ma’am not I!”, but yeah honey- you too. There are times when we know we are worth more, deserve better, need more, desire better, but yet we stick with what we know- not because we don’t want better, not because we are scared. But because we find that the very thing that is making us feel defeated, or frustrated, is the VERY thing that we want so bad in our life. Instead of saying “ Hey I deserve better and I’m going to get it” or “Hey, I’m not happy in this current situation and I am determined to be happy” , we tend to settle. We tend to push our top concerns out and then try find ways to compromise who we are for others. No more. No more pushing aside who you are to settle for what you really don’t want. Stick up for yourself. Stand your ground in what you want and what you need. Learn to put self first after God. What could go wrong there? Could we lose something or someone we love only to be face with happiness and joy???. Yeah that is EXACTLY what can happen. Don’t be afraid to defend yourself. The worse thing that can happen is you being strong in you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

preach kea!!! i needed to hear that...

from you know who...

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