Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Stop the madness….

Ola ladies and gents! Can you all do me a favor and stop the madness? We all get hit on; some of us just choose to handle things a little differently than others.

Men have gotten either really confident or have just been turned down so many times that they feel they have nothing to lose. So this proposes a question…Why can’t we be honest? So many times when a man hits on a chick, she smiles politely and gives up a number (or takes his). Most of the time she’s not even interested, she’s given a fake number or she’s going to trash his the minute he turns his back. Women do this with complete sincerity thinking that they are sparing this man’s feelings. Well, you’re not. Don’t you think this kat’s feelings will be hurt once he calls and hears, “We’re sorry. The number you have dialed is no longer in service.” Letting a guy know how you really feel upfront will help him out in the long run. I told a guy that I wasn’t interested one time and he came back about 10 minutes later and asked me why. I told him that he wasn’t my type and proceeded to ask what he could do to become my type. I told him that first off, I didn’t want a man that was so willing to change for me without even knowing me or what type of person I was. This helped him see how desperate he sounded and maybe….just maybe, he won’t approach the next chick the same way.

So here’s my opinion, cause everyone’s entitled to it…..
Be honest up front. Tell him that you’re not interested. If he asks you why, tell him. Don’t be mean ladies, just tell the truth. And if you just can’t be honest, give him this number….817-326-1433!


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