Monday, February 25, 2008

The Ex-Factor…

Lauryn Hill must know my soul! I find myself daily, and more than once a day, listening to Ex-Factor by Lauryn Hill. The words that she sings and the pain in which she sings it completely emulates what I feel sometimes. You know what the sad part is? We weren’t even officially together…so it’s not even an Ex-Factor. More like a ‘Wanted to be the woman in your life but it didn’t work out that way, so we see each other from time to time when one of us kinda missing the other-Factor’. Seriously????
Why do we continue to follow this pattern? Ok, that wasn’t rhetorical….can someone answer me please? Everything in our heads tells us that it’s just not gonna work out, not meant to be, that just because two people care about each other immensely, doesn’t mean they should be together…all that stuff. But we have a habit of following our hearts! We try to let our hearts have what they want. We want to be happy even though we’re sometimes setting ourselves up to miserable. Ms. Hill said, “I keep letting you back in, how can I explain myself? As painful as this thing has been I just can't be with no one else.”

So here’s my opinion, cause everyone’s entitled to it….
Think about what letting that person back in will do to you once they leave again. Will a few hours of happiness really help you when there are weeks of pain to follow? Or is letting go the right thing…”See I know what we got to do, You let go and I'll let go too.”


Opening of Discovery Green Park in Downtown Houston

"One for Doc": An exciting preview event at Discovery Green
Sat 1-Mar-08 6:00 PM - to - 11:00 PM CDT
No Registration or Reservations Required for this Event Anheuser-Busch Stage and Fondren Performance SpaceDiscovery Green Park Houston TX 77002 Google Maps Hotels Near Yahoo! Maps Weather Forecast
Details on ""One for Doc": An exciting preview event at Discovery Green"

This FREE concert honors Houston's High School for the Performing and Visual Arts (HSPVA) and Dr. Robert Morgan, HSPVA Director of Jazz Studies Emeritus(1976-1999). The entertainment line up includes talented HSPVA alumni as well as Al Jarreau and also appearing La Mafia.

Local headliner *Scott Gertner and KPRC Channel 2's Dominique Sachse will serve as emcees as a stellar group of HSPVA alumni musicians take to the stage to perform a tribute to their beloved director.

6 pm
Straight Ahead Jam Session with HSPVA All Stars*Warren Sneed, saxophone; *Shelley Carrol, saxophone; *Brandon Lee, trumpet;*Jose-Miguel Yamal, piano; *David Craig, bass; *Sebastian Whittaker, drums

7 pm
Houston's First Lady Andrea White presents proclamation to Dr. Robert Morgan

7:15 pm
Robert Glasper/Chris Dave Experiment -- *Robert Glasper, piano; *Chris Dave, drums; *Mark Kelley, bass; Casey Benjamin, saxophone/vocalist; Lionel Loueke, guitar/vocalist

8 pm
La Mafia featuring *Tim Ruiz, bass; ex-drummer *Michael Aguilar, drums

9 pm
*Chris Walker with the Everette Harp Band

9:10 pm
Everette Harp and Friends -- *Everette Harp, saxophone; *Gregory Curtis, keyboard; *Keith Vivens, bass; Dwight Sills, guitar; Mark Stephens, keyboard

Immediately following will be Al Jarreau featuring *Mark Simmons, drums
(HSPVA alumni performing are noted with *)

Please click here for more information.
No Registration or Reservations Required for this Event
Help increase awareness for this Discovery Green Conservancy event with these resources!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What about your friends...

I've been struggling this past year trying to get over and get rid of people and things; I know the Lord has no intention or need for in my life. I've learned that it's not so easy to get rid of people or the things that you know are no good for you. The people who you had all the good fun with, who you share some of your darkest secrets with, that was all fine and great for its purpose, but can you think of something positive you've done with the same people? Have you all encouraged one another to fulfill dreams? Are you all positive influences on each others lives? If you cannot answer those questions about your friends, then are they truly your friend? Friends should be a positive influence in your life. I've learned in due time that some people are just for a season. You meet them, have a few good laughs and chuckles and you let them go on their way. You don't hang on to them because they were just for that season. You learn what you are supposed to from them, and you move on. Don't hang on to those people that God does not intend to be part of your life forever…..One thing I will always remember from Girls Club was "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver, and the other gold."……. Let true friends be for a life time and let seasons pass……Change is good.


Menu of Menus

Houston Press Menu of Menus ExtravaganzaThe Houston Press is excited to host its 6th Annual Menu of Menus Extravaganza. The event will showcase the various culinary talents of our city, complete with food sampling from over 40 area restaurants, as well as beer, wine & vodka tasting and live entertainment. Event will take place at the Museum of Natural Science, located at 1 Hermann Circle Drive. Tuesday, April 1, 2008. Tickets on sale now! General Admission 6:30pm - 9:30pm. Tickets $30 - limit 1,700. VIP Admission doors open at 5:30pm. Tickets $75 - limit 300. All guests must be 21+ with a valid ID. All proceeds go to Child Advocates.

Pick of the day!

Diane von Furstenberg
Studded Dress
click here for more details

How soon is too soon?

As adults we think that we should be able to do whatever we want right? Is what feels right at the moment, always right in the long run? One of my favorite Kanye West songs is Addiction. He says,” Why everything that’s supposed to be bad make me feel so good, everything they told me not to is exactly what I would.” Being an adult who’s STILL in the dating hustle (I mean that in the best way possible), I sometimes wonder…How soon is too soon? I can never get good feedback from men on this topic, but how soon is too soon to enter in an intimate or sexual relationship? I know the word of God says that the right time is after marriage, but that’s not always (or usually) the case.

So should there be a three month rule, three day rule, no rule? How is this supposed to work? Does the guy not respect you or want a relationship with you if you “let him in” too soon? Everybody says, you’ll know when it’s time…you’ll feel it. What if I don’t?

I’ve heard different things from different men. Some say that if they don’t get it on the first date you won’t hear from them anymore, then some guys says the exact opposite. How do you know which guy you’re going out with right then? And an even bigger question is why do women always make it about what the guy wants? Ladies I think that is one of our problems. We are so ready to be in a relationship that we completely cater to the man from the beginning. We let things that bother us slide cause we want him to like/love us too badly. We will unknowingly make ourselves unhappy, cause we are in such a rush to make him our man. We have to stop blaming everything on the dudes we date and start actually taking a look at the dudes we date. If you have to do this much convincing and catering to keep a man around then, “He’s just not that into you!” Let him know what makes you comfortable and what makes you happy. Let him have the opportunity to cater to you just as much as you are catering to him. Talk about things and then compromise. Come to some middle ground and stop taking on the full load. There are two people in the relationship for a reason. If it’s not the right time for you, then let him know.

So here’s my opinion, cause everyone’s entitled to it…
PRAY! Ask God if he’s the best pick for you. Any man that is trying to rush you into doing something that doesn’t feel right IS ALL WRONG!! Don’t need him so bad that you forget about your real needs!


Monday, February 18, 2008

Wanna be Too Faced?

Now that spring is around the corner, we should all be thinking about how to update our faces from the winter blah to a fresh, bright look. Get rid of all your dark browns and charcoals. Bring in the beautiful pastels that will go with the new spring floral trends. Of course, everyone cannot afford to overhaul their make-up every season. That’s why the gods of makeup invented the pallete…hello! And one of the best buys I have seen so far is the Too Faced Jewelry Box Makeup Collection. A limited edition collection available at Sephora and Ulta (yes, I said Ulta) containing 8 eye shadows, 6 lip glosses, 2 blush powers, 1 bronzer and more, at only $39.50, who could want anything else in life? And the super cute box and crystal enclosure is an added plus to make your vanity look chic.

Stained Lips

For the upcoming spring and summer season why not try Stila's unique Cherry Crush lip and cheek stain. Cherry Crush interacts with the ph levels in your lips and cheek to create your own distinctive color.
In addition to being scented and flavored like a just-picked cherry, Cherry Crush contains cherry and pomegranate concentrates to provide skin and lips with antioxidant armament. Vitamins A, C & E are the cherry on top, as they provide further antioxidant protection and immerse the skin in moisture, ensuring skin and lips never feel parched or tight. This product is available at Sephora for $24.

Love Never Fails

Have you ever had one of those days where it seems like everyone you know has disappointed you or let you down? Well I have been dealing with situations like that constantly being disappointed by friends and family. So today's blog has been is an excerp from Joel and Victoria Osteen in regards to dealing with people and making the choice to love them inspite of there shortcomings. People will always fail you but God never fails so put your trust in God not in man and you will never be disappointed...

Today's Scripture

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria Osteen

We all have people in our lives that are difficult at times. Maybe it’s someone you work with, a family member or even your spouse. Relationships can be complicated, but remember: love never fails. The Word of God clearly defines love in 1 Corinthians 13. It says that love is patient and kind. It doesn’t seek its own way. Love doesn’t keep a record of wrongs. And most importantly, love never fails. Notice that this chapter doesn’t talk at all about how you feel. God’s love isn’t about feelings. It’s a choice. You can choose to be patient, even when you don’t feel like being patient. You can choose to be kind, even when you don’t feel like being kind. No matter what situation you find yourself in, you can choose love. You are never more like God than when you are walking in love. And when you are walking in love, you will never fail because love never fails. Open your heart to God’s love today. Ask Him to show you how to love others better. As you walk in love, you’ll find peace and live in victory all the days of your life!

A Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love which never fails. Thank You for loving me so that I can be free to love others. Empower me, by Your Spirit, to walk in love no matter what I may face today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Where’s my purse?

I learned a lot this weekend. But the thing that has stuck with me the most is a conversation that I had with this dude. Let me set the stage for you…..A bunch of friends and I were getting together to celebrate a birthday this Saturday. The festivities were to begin with dinner and end with some good ol’ fun at Dave & Buster’s. I invited this kat to come and join in the festivities with us. For some ungodly reason, this translates in his mind to, “Free dinner, free drinks, free Skee Ball!” EXCUSE ME!!!!! Now I am a very generous, very giving person; however I’m not Mommy Warbucks! When did it become necessary for ladies to ask, “Where’s my purse?” Now I’m not that chick who thinks that men should pay all the time. I’m quick to pull out some cash and take care of things, but when did people just start assuming that a night out was all inclusive?

Needless to say, he didn’t make it to the celebration! I just can’t help but wonder when this switch happened. A lot of men that I know are offended when a woman tries to pay the bill. They think that you’ve lost your mind. So is there a new generation of man being born? Was this guy just brought up differently, or is he just cheap? I’m still confused.
The thing that really stuck with me wasn’t that it was just expected, but he told me that it was wrong of me not to be footing the bill. Was I in the wrong? Since I extended the invitation, am I obligated to pay? Please let me know.

So here’s my opinion, cause everyone’s entitled to it….
Don’t expect it! Be prepared for anything. Be grateful of other people’s generosity, not expectant of it.


Friday, February 8, 2008

Pantene Pro V: Relaxed and Natural Intensive Moisturizing Collection


Pantene has created a exciting new line of hair products for women of color and it is wonderful! Yes at first I doubted that Pantene could deliver but a friend recommended it so I decided to go ahead and see what all the hype was about.

First what struck me was the price for the 12oz bottle it was under $5! I don't know how much you spend on shampoo but my salon shampoos can be twice that amount. So I purchased the
Pantene Pro-V Relaxed & Natural Intensive Moisturizing Shampoo and the conditioner and went home and washed my hair. It was absolutely wonderful! It really is nourshment for the hair. It also has a detangler (which is a must for me) which really left my hair tangle free. After conditioning and blow drying my hair out I definitely noticed that my hair felt moisturized and not dry. I really love this collection so check it out I recommend it for any women of any race that has thick hair.

Pick of the day!

Kenneth Cole Reaction Glazy Days Clutch
Sleek and sassy in glazed leather, with a wristlet strap...or not.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Readers join us a we wish our fashion writer MAC a happy birhtday today!
Happy Birthday to MAC
Happy Birthday to MAC
Happy Birthday dear MAC
Happy Birthday to YOU!
How old are you? LOL!

Pick of the day!


Ok so just in case their was any confusion the average size of the american woman (contrary to popular belief is not a size 2) is a size 14. When you go to the mall do you see a size 14 manican being prominently displayed in Dillard's, Macy's, or Nemian's???? Since that is the normal size you would think that would be the main section in every department store but usually the plus size section is all the way in the back hidden behind the escalator. You practically need a map to locate the plus women section in any department store it is like a treasure hunt! Not to mention most of the clothes just look big and frumpy. So here are a list of my top picks were fashion is not limited to size! We girls with curves want to look and feel HOT too! So check these out:

Doesn't it hurt...

Ok people, so I had a date last night. Yea! Woo Hoo! Hold on with all that for a minute. Have you ever gone out with someone and there was no conversation, just dead silence? Well, that’s not what happened. I’ve known this guy for a while and we’ve been out before, but its never been this bad. This dude can talk….about nothing! When I tell you that this was the most dry, dull, boring, mind-numbing, tiresome, humdrum, most uninspiring, monotonous date that I’ve ever been on, that’s what I mean. This dude has so much information clouding up his brain that it proposes the question, “Doesn’t your brain hurt?” I mean this is one smart guy. While I think that’s great, the last thing I wanna talk about (or listen to you talk about) for an hour is God vs. The Big Bang Theory, or war, or Global Warming, how much corn we’re producing now to use as energy instead of food. ARE YOU SERIOUSS?? Then he had the nerve to ask if I saw were he was going with this….HECK NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guys we appreciate that you’re smart, we get it. But while I’m at Hooters trying to watch the Mavs game, I don’t wanna here about intellectual stuff. Let’s talk basketball, let’s talk chicken wings….heck, let’s talk about the chicks walking around Hooters with no hooters!

Ok, here’s my opinion, cause everyone’s entitled to it…..
Guys, when we’ve been at work all day doing intellectual things, we wanna unwind when we get together with you. We wanna laugh and have fun and not have to be all highbrow and analytical. Please just give us that!!!


Monday, February 4, 2008


When we as humans sin, we tend to feel violated. Like our deepest sin has been exposed. Yes our sins do expose our many weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Our sins show our nakedness- they reveal what many will use against us. But once you have discovered Love, the ways of our sins are overlooked by what is truly genuine in our hearts. Love is the only emotion that can bring everything full circle. When you love unconditionally you forgive, you uplift, you encourage. That’s what God does for us, and what you should do for those we love. Remember what the Bible says about Love. That it is Kind, tender, and forgiving….Let us Love each other the way God loves us….through all of our faults and sins. Lets chose Love over sin…..

Great Ideas for Valentine's Day!

Still wondering about the right gifts to give for Valentine's Day? Well take a look at some of the links below:

Happy Valentine's Day: Victoria Secret

1-800-Flowers. com

Valentine's Day Gift Baskets

Who do you love?

Top 10 Red Roses for Valentine's Day

Get This Kid…..

So I was told that I do some childish things; that when I go out with my friends and talk loud, act silly or dance around that I’m not being lady like, but instead childish. This dude told me that nobody wants to date the chick that’s “acting out”. So the question is….What is considered childish?

I like to be silly, I like to play around, I like to laugh and joke. Does this mean that I’m not lady like? I Corinthians 13:11 says, “…But when I became a man I put away childish things.” I really like this scripture, but I can’t help wonder how we define childish.

The majority of my life is pretty freaking grown up. But just because I’m getting older does not mean that I have to be stuck up and solemn. I should still be able to live life to the fullest and enjoy it. I should be able to laugh like a kid until my side hurts if I want. That’s what keeps us young. Most importantly, that’s what keeps my stomach tight! That shouldn’t classify me as immature; it should show that I have a wonderfully happy spirit. I refuse to succumb to someone else’s image of what a grown up lady looks like. What happened to, “Take me as I am.” (And they say women are always trying to change men…but that’s another conversation!)

So here’s my opinion, cause everyone’s entitled to it…..
Enjoy your life; please don’t let someone else dictate it. Like they say, “Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much”. Keep practicing the things in life that make it all worthwhile.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Pick of the day!

Grape it up!

Okay with Spring/Summer (Texas doesn't have spring but we can pretend) just around the corned it is time to get our skin ready to be seen in our cute shorts and tanks! I recommend L'Occitane's Open Up to Grape set. The set includes:

Anti-Water Retention Gel- helps the body to release excess
water (hello water weight be gone!)
Shower Oil- Washes away the impurities and surface toxins
Crushed Grape Polish- enhances blood flow while exfoliating the skin
Beauty Milk-
moisturizes and nourishes the skin

Currently the gift set is available at Sephora for just $29 for limited time only!

Tiffany B.

No Weapon!

People tend to use our past faults as a way to gain control over our destiny. Our lives are then lead by the "You made you bed, you lay in it" motto. We settle in our own misery, feeling like we need to take it all on our own shoulder because it was our fault. That’s when we need to remember what God tells us. God says he will forgive us of all sin, knowing and unknowing. We need to not bask in our past faults because the past has doesn't, and will do nothing, for you. Remember to place your armor on daily, so that no weapon used against you will prosper. So that anything anyone uses against you will bounce off your chest like rubber and have no effect on your daily calling. Protect your heart- protect your well being. Place on your armor daily, so that no weapon formed against you will take precedence over what God had ordained in your life… Lord you have total control over my life…. No weapon formed against me shall Prosper!

Black Business Spa Social Saturday Febuary 23 @ Salon Utopia Houston, Texas

Riddle me this...

When did it get so hard to just say no?

God knows I love my cell phone, and I’m sure a lot of you feel the same way. Sending someone a text is so much easier than calling. You can ask a question and in a matter of seconds get a response without all the small talk. Gotta love technology! But this is what I don’t love…. It makes me hotter than fish grease when I ask someone to do something with me or invite someone somewhere and get no response. When did it become so hard to just respond with a “No”? That seems pretty simple to me. And I refuse to even entertain the thought that they just didn’t get the message; there are only so many times that can actually happen. As many of you may like to think, this is not solely limited to men. There have been plenty of times that my so-called friends have done the same thing.

So here’s my opinion, cause everyone’s entitle to it…..
If I’ve taken the time out of my day to think about you and send you a message, have the common courtesy to respond. It’s not rocket science and you don’t have to write a novel. A little acknowledgement goes a long way!

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